Restore Your Soul


Who's with me and yearns for some restoration? Well, this post is for you. Fill yourself up so you can be more for you and for those around you. 

❤️   Passion blend emotionally it is ideal for those looking for more passion & zest in life. Use Passion to rekindle your heart and spirit  ❤️   When life starts to feel stale and predictable, we often lose our vigor, purpose, and passion for living. Whether you are looking to revive enthusiasm for your current circumstances, or reach beyond your comfort zone, doTERRA Passion Inspiring Blend can help give you the extra spark necessary to rekindle the flame of excitement in your life. doTERRA Passion pulls the renewing properties found in herbal and spice essential oils to create a chemical profile that is high in esters and phenols. These chemical components allow the user to benefit from warming and rejuvenating properties. If it is time to extinguish feelings of boredom and disinterest and ignite your creative, innovative, and daring side, doTERRA Passion will boldly lead the way to a renewed, purposeful life.  ❤️

"Patchouli supports individuals in becoming fully present in their physical body. It balances those who feel devitalized and who seek to escape the body through spiritual pursuits or other forms of distraction. It is grounding and stabilizing. While using Patchouli, individuals feel more grounded and fluid. This oil calms fears and nervous tension, stilling the heart and mind in preparing the spirit and body for deeper union. It also helps individuals to stay in touch with the earth."  

❤️ "Juniper Berry assists those who fear the dark or unknown aspects of themselves. It helps individuals to understand that those things they fear are intended to be their teachers. Instead of hiding from what they do not understand, Juniper Berry encourages individuals to learn the lesson and face their fear. These fears often live within the unexplored areas of the Self. Juniper Berry acts as a catalyst by helping individuals access and address those fears and is address those fears. It acts as a guide on the path toward wholeness. from "Emotions & Essential Oils, 2nd Edition: A modern Resource for Healing" by Enlighten